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How to Change Your State of Mind Using NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)?

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Changing States With NLP

If you are not in the right state, then you can feel absolutely lousy and believe that you can’t achieve anything. There is a direct link between states and taking action (or not), so you need a way that you can get yourself into a better state, and with NLP, there are a number of techniques that you can use.
Sometimes it will be possible to change your state just by thinking positively and focusing on something else. But there will be times when your negative state has such a hold on you that you just cannot shake it off. It is time to use the NLP techniques below when that happens to you.

Using the Anchor technique

You may be familiar with anchors in NLP. These can work for you and against you so you need to be aware that they exist. For example, if you are listening to a particular piece of music that you like, this can change your state from happy to sad and vice versa. Anything can trigger an anchor, even the smell of something familiar.
We all tend to anchor experiences differently. Anchors are not unique to NLP. They occur in day to day life naturally. With NLP you understand them and how they work, so you will be able to collapse them if necessary, create new empowering anchors, chain them and so on.
To prove that anchors occur naturally, place yourself behind the wheel of a car, and suddenly you see a child walking out onto the road. What will you do? Do you start to process everything and ask questions such as “shall I slow down or maintain my speed?” If you are an experienced driver you will know exactly what to do.
With driving experience, will come the development of your senses to driving on the road.
When danger appears you will act automatically. These all form anchors in your mind, and you act instinctively.
You can easily create a powerful anchor that will change your state. Just recall a time when you had a euphoric feeling, and anchor the feelings that you experience with physical activity. Make sure that those feelings are really strong.
What you are doing is creating a “resource anchor”. You can use these anchors when you are not in the right state and you need to be quick. The triggering of the anchor puts you in a resourceful state to make that presentation, call that important person, or work on that “to do” list.

Chaining Anchors

It might not be possible to use a resource anchor to move directly from the state you are into the one that you need to be in. You may have to use a series of little steps and these are “chaining anchors”.
As an example, think about going from depressed to neutral, from neutral to relaxed, and from relaxed to happy and confident. Create anchors for all of these different states (with a different physical action) and start the anchor chain in order so that you achieve the desired state.

Use Pattern Interrupts

You can use a pattern interrupt to change your current state. If you don’t know what a pattern interrupt is, then think “creating a distraction”. Parents do this with their children all of the time – because it works.
Pattern interrupts work with adults too. To change your own state, you will need to test different pattern interrupts to see which work the best for you. A great joke or something else to make you laugh often works well. Other ideas are changing your scenery by going somewhere else (e.g. taking a walk somewhere).
Most people find that music is a great pattern interrupt for changing states. If you are feeling down and you know that a certain song will make you feel great again, then don’t waste any time playing it. Make sure that CD is always near to hand.


Ready to change your state of mind instantly using NLP techniques? NLP has been learned and practiced by a lot of well-known celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Sophie Dahl, Lily Allen, Gerri Halliwell, Jimmy Carr, and Russell Brand. If you want to take your life to the next level, do get training of NLP Practitioner & Master Practitioner. We wish you all the very best for your life, keep learning and keep growing.

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